Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Storms - and Washing Away the Debris

Storm growling through the town,
Looking for a place to land.

Water pouring down in large heavy drops,
Clearing, cleaning, flushing, flooding.

Look, the wind throws it's weight around -
moving nature's furniture to it's new spot,
Indifferent to the cries of joy, alarm, esctasy!

Storm growling through the town,
Looking for a place to land.

This April has brought many spring storms through our neighborhood, tearing up trees, buildings and scaring the crap out of most everybody.  I don't know what to say to many of you who are still cowering and shaking because of the still looming storms that are heading our way... Take cover, perhaps? 
My dog and I are hanging out in the upper level of our house.  Enjoying the weather... she and I have always enjoyed listening to and viewing the wonderful glory of a full-on thunderstorm!  I wish that I could share that wonder with those of you who are afraid.  But I can't, so I send you love and calming thoughts;  take ease, it will be all right in the end. 
I see the chaos of this season as a clearing out of the old and the making way for the new.  The spring has always been a time of renewal.  But you have to get rid of the old stuff first, sorry! So, now to use this analogy for my own life.. what am I willing to get rid of to make room for the new things that are just on the other side of the door for me?   Good question! And one that I cannot answer for myself at this time.  I have delegated that decision to my higher self to deal with... easy way out?  You betcha!  But I believe that the things that are leaving will be for my highest good, and will be good healthy choices!  I just want to ride out the chaos and roll into the calm after the storm... when you come out of hiding and see all the clearing and cleaning up that needs to be done to make way for the new growth. 
I had originally thought that this post would be about growing and green things.  I had just finished the post from Dahlis Roy on Out of the Blue, and really enjoyed the reading and thought processes.  But then the storm began its song (and dance!) and distracted me.  So please enjoy the reading and the storm!  I hope the new growth that comes after the clearing out will be to your liking... after you finish the clean up and step back to view the new visions in front of you.

Living in Love and Light,
Patricia Seay Dollar
aka Patsy

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